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The Best Survival Food: Our Prime Choices

Best Survival Food

Preparing for challenging times becomes simpler with advanced planning, particularly regarding food provision. Having the best survival food is very crucial in any type of emergency situation.

You may question, “What qualifies as the best survival food?” Truthfully, it depends on your situation: what type of emergency do you want to prepare for? How many people are you preparing for, and how many calories do you need? What type of budget are you working with? To aid you, we’ve compiled a list of our top picks, serving as a menu for difficult times. We’ve included links for easy access to these foods.

Emergencies come in many different forms, so being flexible is key. Whether outdoors, indoors, or mobile, our top survival food selections will be there why they’re needed.

Let’s get started!

Most Important Things To Consider

Mom and daughter in grocery store with a checklist shopping for survival food

Calories and Duration: The selection of survival food hinges on the calories it offers and its endurance for a specified group size. Adequate calories guarantee energy, while understanding the food’s longevity aids future planning. Calculate your household emergency calorie needs in seconds here.

Shelf Life: What is your survival foods’ expiration date? Having food that lasts you longer means that you won’t have to spend money replenishing your food supply, will give you peace-of-mind that your food won’t be spoiled when the time comes, and will ensure that you’re prepared for more lengthy emergencies.

Nutrition: Survival food of high quality should contain the necessary nutrients for maintaining health. Vitamins, minerals, and protein are essential. Opting for nutritionally rich foods aids in maintaining strength amidst difficult circumstances.

Ease of Preparation: In challenging times, complicated food preparation is undesirable. Survival food should require minimal cooking or effort, saving time and resources while ensuring nourishment.

Variety and Flavor: Consuming identical, bland meals daily can become monotonous. Various food options with diverse flavors can enhance morale and make meals more enjoyable. This factor gains importance during tough times to uplift spirits.

Ready-Made Emergency Meals

Why are ready-made emergency meals good?

  1. Packaged to last for decades — which can’t be said about store-bought foods
  2. Designed to be quick and easy to prepare
  3. Assortment of tasty meals that you’ll enjoy during an emergency
  4. Affordable prices

ReadyWise Bulk Emergency Meals:

ReadyWise delivers ready-made emergency meals with an impressive shelf life of up to 25 years under suitable storage. These meals are bulk-packaged, ranging from about 54,000 – 648,000 calories, rendering them a great selection for one-and-done preparedness. With this, you can acquire a range of nutritious and delicious food in one go, assuring dependable sustenance is available when needed.

Augason Farms Lunch and Dinner:

Augason Farms features a package containing 92 servings, amounting to a total of 21,170 calories. This collection of lunch and dinner options aims to supply well-rounded meals during emergencies. With a broad meal variety, you can rely on satisfying and tasty food ready to nourish you.

Augason Farms Breakfast and Dinner Variety Pail Emergency Food Supply:

This emergency food supply from Augason Farms combines breakfast and dinner meals. Prioritizing variety guarantees diverse options are at your disposal during tough times. The pail encompasses a blend of meals, ensuring both convenience and an enjoyable eating experience. The calorie count for this food bucket is 19,810 calories.

Augason Farms Long Grain White Rice:

Augason Farms supplies long grain white rice with a substantial calorie count of 39,270 calories. This calorie-dense staple can help maintain your energy levels. It’s extended shelf life and calorie density make it a reliable and effective choice for building your emergency food stockpile.

Augason Farms Emergency Food Cheese Blend Powder:

Augason Farms provides a cheese blend powder that introduces flavor and nutrition to emergency meals. This adaptable product can enhance various dishes, from macaroni and cheese to soups. Its extended shelf life makes it an excellent way to improve the taste of your survival food. It contains a total of about 5,160 calories.

Mountain House Freeze-Dried Backpacking and Camping Food:

Mountain House’s freeze-dried food is great for backpacking, camping, and emergencies. These lightweight and compact meals preserve their taste and nutritional value while transporting them efficiently. This particular bucket contains 6,120 calories.

Mountain House Freeze Dried Survival and Emergency Cooked Diced Chicken:

Mountain House delivers freeze-dried cooked diced chicken, providing a convenient and delicious protein source. This product removes the need for cooking and preparation, making it a valuable addition during power outages or when resources are scarce. It’s a quick and protein-filled solution for your emergency meal requirements, consisting of14 servings and a total of 2,380 calories.

Mountain House Freeze-Dried Cooked Ground Beef:

For a protein-rich option, Mountain House’s freeze-dried cooked ground beef is a trustworthy choice. This product is pre-cooked and freeze-dried, preserving flavor and nutrients. It’s a versatile ingredient for crafting hearty meals in the wilderness or dealing with unforeseen circumstances, with a total of about 4,840 calories.

Great Emergency Foods From Any Grocery Store

You can also stock up an amazing emergency food supply from your local grocery store. The main upside is price, as you’ll be very hard-pressed to beat grocery store prices anywhere.

However, the main disadvantages of stocking up your emergency food supply from the grocery store are a shorter shelf life, takes more time to pick out and purchase, and takes longer to prepare.

Here is our list of favorite emergency foods you can find at your local grocery store:

  • Rolled Oats

Due to their prolonged shelf life of up to 25 years with proper storage, or approximately 2 years in standard packaging, rolled oats make a wise selection for emergency food. They require simple preparation and deliver substantial calories for the investment. Their adaptability allows for their inclusion in diverse dishes.

  • Honey

With its exceptionally long shelf life, honey becomes a valuable asset to your emergency provisions. It is a natural sweetener with multiple applications, including medicinal uses. Honey provides a dependable energy source and can be a natural treatment for various purposes.

  • Protein Powder

With a shelf life of nearly 1.5 years, protein powder becomes a handy meal addition. It can be incorporated into assorted dishes, enhancing their protein levels. In difficult times, protein powder can assist in guaranteeing sufficient nutrition.

  • Dried or Canned Beans

Dried or canned beans represent a cost-effective option that delivers ample calories, nutrients, vitamins, and protein. They provide an excellent sustenance source, offer flexibility in cooking, and can contribute to balanced meals.

  • Powdered Milk

Powdered milk, boasting richness in calcium and protein, has a shelf life spanning 2 to 10 years. Its adaptability goes beyond merely drinking; it can transform into butter. The presence of powdered milk introduces vital nutrients to your emergency diet.

  • Rice

Rice can endure for 5 years or more as a budget-friendly option with proper storage. It’s filled with calories and forms a dietary staple for many. Beyond serving as a food source, rice offers practical applications such as assisting in salt de-clumping and mending electronics.

  • Pasta

Pasta, with a shelf life approximating 2 years, presents an economical and energy-dense choice. It delivers more calories per dollar than rice, adding a fulfilling option to your emergency food selections.

  • Powdered Mashed Potatoes (Bagged Potato Flakes)

These economical potato flakes possess a shelf life of up to 2 years. They can serve as a fast, straightforward carbohydrate source, introducing diversity to your emergency meals.

  • Wheat

Under suitable storage, wheat can endure for up to 12 years, providing starch, calories, protein, and vitamins. This adaptable grain supports a balanced diet during extended emergencies.

  • Soybeans

Given appropriate storage conditions, soybeans can persist for up to 3 years. They represent a precious protein and nutrient source, enhancing the value of your survival food assortment.

  • Dried Corn

With correct storage, dried corn remains consumable for up to 10 years. It delivers a considerable amount of calories, carbohydrates, and fats, serving as a dependable energy source.

  • Bouillon Products

Bouillon cubes, with a shelf life of approximately 2 years, amplify meal flavors and can serve as an excellent soup and broth foundation, offering taste and comfort.

  • Canned Meat and Fish

Canned meat and fish, with a shelf life of around 3 years, are abundant protein and calorie sources. They require no prior preparation before eating, which proves beneficial during emergencies.

  • Other Canned Food

Canned foods, with their prolonged shelf lives, present convenient choices that need minimal preparation. They deliver a broad spectrum of nutrients and flavors to diversify your emergency diet.

  • Whole White Crackers

Whole white crackers, best consumed within 9 months of packaging, are a quick and straightforward carbohydrate source during emergencies.

  • Peanut Butter

Unopened peanut butter is storable for roughly 9 months. It provides a concentrated calorie, fat, protein, and carbohydrate source for sustained energy.

  • Energy Bars

Energy bars, with a shelf life extending up to 5 years, offer a compact and nutrient-rich option for sustenance on the move.

  • Cereal

Cereal, storable for up to 12 months, offers a durable breakfast choice that requires little preparation.

  • All-in-One Meals

Despite being costlier, all-in-one meals are flavorful, nutritionally abundant, and possess an extended shelf life. They present a comprehensive and quick food solution.

  • Nuts

When stored in an airtight container, nuts stay edible for up to 6 months, providing healthy fats and energy.

  • Spices/Seasoning

Spices and seasoning can augment the taste of your survival food, rendering meals more enjoyable and satisfying.

  • Avocado Oil and Other Oils

With its year-long shelf life, Avocado oil presents a cooking and flavoring alternative that introduces healthy fats to your diet.

  • Clarified Butter

Clarified butter, with a shelf life extending up to 1 year, functions as a versatile cooking fat.

  • Coffee

Unopened coffee, consumable for around 5 months, offers a comforting caffeine source.

  • Dried Meat (Beef Jerky)

Unopened beef jerky, lasting 1-2 years, provides a protein-filled snack for energy and nutrition.

Other Recommended Items To Consider Are:

Baby Food: For those with infants, incorporating baby food into emergency provisions proves crucial. Infants require unique meals, and readily available baby food ensures nourishment and care during difficult periods.

Pet Food: Pets, as family members, also need consideration. Remember to accumulate pet food for them. Similar to humans, pets require sustenance, and having their food prepared contributes to their health and happiness.

Rubbing Alcohol/Vodka: Rubbing alcohol or vodka can demonstrate extreme usefulness during emergencies. These substances can ignite fires, cleanse injuries, sanitize hands, and disinfect household objects. Consider it a versatile assistant with numerous roles.

Apple Cider Vinegar: This item also boasts multiple uses. Apple cider vinegar can assist with various domestic tasks. It’s useful for cleaning, acting as a natural remedy, and even cooking. It’s a beneficial addition to your emergency kit.

Vitamins/Multivitamins: When food options dwindle, vitamins or multivitamins can assure you receive the necessary nutrients. View them as small health enhancers that maintain strength when food choices become sparse.

We hope you find this information valuable and helpful, and with this information, you can prepare yourself to deal with any emergency. Thanks for your precious time!

Also Read: Our Top Picks: The Finest Emergency Cooking Devices

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